Google Tamil Translation Service

Google Inc is always in the front in the technology world when it comes language, internet and on many other important aspects.


After the invention of the hand held devices such as Smartphone, Tablets and other similar gadgets Google has worked hard on to develop many things for the easy tasking of many things in these devices.

In this form they have made translation as a fun one with their Apps. You can use them to translate sentences. You can listen to the translated version in voice. It allows you to translate a whole web page in to your desired language within seconds with the same speed they use to search for content and images in the internet.

So read here more about their service that are available for the Tamil translation.

Google has come out with the new way of translating text content from Tamil to English language and vice-versa.

Firstly at this stage we should appreciate Google for the effort and interest that it has in machine based translation of world languages.

This service is capable of translating 63 different languages in between. And the input box is smart enough to detect the language while you type. At this stage the product is launched as an alpha version, which will be update to beta and evolved into the final version. Also the engine has text to speech of Tamil language version too.