Sri Lanka Government too is providing official translation service to the Sri Lanka born people to translate their birth certificates, marriage certificates, and death certificates in to Sinhala, Tamil and English languages for a fee at the Register General's Department in the Colombo District. Cash is not accepted but you have to provide required amount through postal stamps as duty fee by pasting them on the requirement form provided by the Register General's Department.
There is plenty of Korean language, Greek, Italian and Arab language translators are available to provide translation service for those people who are looking for jobs through the Government or by the recruiting agents to work in South Korea, Cyprus, Italy and Arab countries.
Consular offices in Sri Lanka get their translation services from reputed translation companies that are functioning in the Colombo city. These translation companies do the important document translation works and daily translation of local newspapers in to the desired language required by the consular office on a monthly contract basis.
The Sri Lanka Government too employs plenty of local language translators in their departments on monthly salary basis to do lot of translation works to cover the departmental tasks.
Sri Lanka languages Sinhala and Tamil used to have their own fonts for to be used in the computers when using for the translation work.
Most of the translation works here are done through the computers and saved in for future usages. The end result can be provided as paper print out or can be sent through email.
On the other hand Chinese and Hindi languages are widely translated in Sri Lanka due to the business promotion and business partnerships with these countries.
There are many opportunities in Sri Lanka in the translation sector and plenty of individual translators are available online for smaller or bigger translation projects at affordable cost other than the translation companies.